IRA Income Limits

In 2018, I will be 68; my wife will be 71. She is retired; I work for an employer who does not offer a retirement plan.
I believe the following to be correct; please let me know if I am missing the mark.

I may contribute to a TIRA up to $6500 if I earn more than that amount.
My wife may contribute $6500 to a Spousal Roth IRA if I earn more than $13,000 and our Roth MAGI is < $189K.
Roth MAGI = AGI minus taxable income attributable to Roth Conversions.

Thank you for all of the help you provide.


Yes, your numbers are correct. The Roth MAGI phaseout range is 189k-199k, allowing partial contributions for MAGI within that range. You can deduct your TIRA contribution since neither spouse is participating in a workplace retirement plan.

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