What is your opinion of IUL as a way to create a tax-free pension?

When I was 70, in 2016, I bought an Index Universal Life policy with Living Benefits and according to the illustration by depositing $3750 a month for 15 years I will have a tax-free retirement of over $90,000 annually until age 120 with no further payments after the 15 years are completed. My death benefit is $545,000 and the overpayment (of the premium) created a liquid savings account of $48,000 in 26 months. The interest on the Saving account varied from 9-13% each month, tho I know the stock market was in an unusually long up swing, so I don’t expect that amount of interest to continue. What is your opinion of this plan?

You put in $3,750 x 26 = $97,500 and it’s worth $48,000.  How did you earn 9% to 13% a month?

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