RMD turning 70 1/2 and 71 in the same year
Clients birthday is August 5, 2018. He turns 70 1/2 in February 2019. My understanding is he has until April 2020 to take his first RMD. Because he turns 71 in August of 2019 – does he have to take an RMD using his 12-31-2018 balance by December 31, 2019?????
Does the 70 1/2 RMD count for his age71 RMD???
OR it sounds to me like he can take his 70 1/2 RMD by April 2020 and then take his age 72 RMD by December 31, 2020. So two in 2020.
What year end does he calculate his 70 1/2 RMD? 2018 or 2019.
The Schwab calculator indicates this:
Birthday: August 5, 1948
70th Birthdate: August, 5, 2018
70 1/2 Birthdate: February 5, 2019
1st RMD due: April 1, 2020.
RMD due December 31, 2020
-You must take your first RMD by April 1 of the calendar year AFTER you turn 70 1/2.
-Therefor, you must take your RMDs by December 31.
Pam Prine
FYI, we are excited to be attending the event in Vegas this weekend. Will be registering today.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2019-02-19 16:21
Permalink Submitted by Pamela Prine on Tue, 2019-02-19 16:45
Thank you for the clarification!
Permalink Submitted by Pamela Prine on Tue, 2019-02-19 16:46
Thank you for the clarification!