Backdoor Roth IRA Conversion from 401k, with exisiting IRA balances
I left a salaried W-2 job in the middle of last year and became a consultant. I am trying to employ the backdoor Roth IRA strategy. I have some cash in an existing IRA that was rolled over from various employers. Here are the numbers for my 2018 contributions and my current IRA picture:
2018 Contributions:
Pre-tax: Employee, withheld via payroll to 401k, rolled over to Wealthfront IRA – $15,535
Pre-tax: Self-employed, as profit sharing contribution to E-Trade Individual 401k – $17,078
After-tax: Contributions to E-Trade Individual 401k – $21,922
Total qualified retirement plan contributions – $54,535
Existing retirement accounts:
Wealthfront IRA — $220k (including 2018 rollover from employer plan)
Wealthfront Roth IRA – $45k
1. Can I contribute the $21,922 after-tax balance from the E-Trade Individual 401k to the Wealthfront Roth IRA without applying the pro-rata rules?
2. If the answer to 1 is yes, is this a two step process in which I have to convert the balance from the 401k to a Traditional IRA first, then a Roth IRA?
3. If the pro-rata rules apply given the facts above, can I roll the Wealthfront IRA to the E-Trade Individual 401k, then rollover the $21,922 to the Roth IRA?
4. If I do #3, should I leave the Wealthfront IRA amount in the 401k if I plan to do after-tax 401k contributions and a rollover to the Roth IRA next year as well?
I am an accountant, but IRAs are not my specialty and I want to make sure I get this right so I do not have any surprises in April of 2020. Any help and/or advisor referrals are appreciated.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Tue, 2019-04-16 21:41
Permalink Submitted by Kevin Fehskens on Wed, 2019-04-17 23:23
I am trying to make an after-tax contribution to the 401(k) after the salary deferral and employer profit sharing pieces. It seems E-Trade’s boilerplate Individual 401(k) will not allow me to make an after-tax contribution to the plan, then roll it over to a Roth IRA. I am trying to maximize the amount I can put in a Roth IRA, up to the 2018 $55k defined contribution plan limit. After your response and some further research, I am now looking to see whether or not I can hire a TPA to amend the plan I set up with E-Trade, so I can perform this rollover in the future.I included the Wealthfront information in case the pro-rata rules apply.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Thu, 2019-04-18 01:17
This would require amending your Etrade Individual 401k to a plan supporting employee after-tax contributions. Such plan admendments can not apply prior to 1/1 of the current plan year . It would have had to have been amended by 12/31/18.