401k Rollover Check Stolen & deposited

Hello all!

I have a client I do planning for who was rolling over their 401k to an IRA at Wealthfront.  Fidelity issued the 401k check in the mail, and Wealthfront instructed the client to sign the back and mail to them for deposit into her IRA.  Apparently the check was stolen via the mail and the FBO was changed to the thief’s name and deposited into a Chase bank account (not sure how that happened).  They have investigators in our state and CA, where the check was deposited, working on it.  Fidelity and Chase can’t give them any answers into who is liable for this. Wealthfront really is out of the loop since it never got to them.   Will this end up counting as a distribution to my client, and has anyone dealt with something like this before?  Any resources to steer them toward?  They also have lawyers working on it.


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