Service Member Group Life Insurance – Roth Rollover
I have a client that is a trustee for a trust for benefit of minor. That trust was the beneficiary of life insurance proceeds from service members group life insurance policy.
Code section 408A(e) provides the opportunity for the rollover of “SMGLI” proceeds to a Roth IRA. The language reads as follows:
In general. The term “qualified rollover contribution” includes a contribution to a Roth IRA maintained for the benefit of an individual made before the end of the 1-year period beginning on the date on which such individual receives ..(from life insurance proceeds).
I’ve got questions about what options may exist for the child open a Roth to facilitate a rollover and/or what options the trustee may be able to exercise. I note that the code and the joint committee report seem to use the terms “individual” and “individual receives” seemingly to suggest that the trustee and the minor child beneficiary are distinguished.
My question: for anyone that may have run across issues relating to SMGLI, can you point me to any useful resource materials please.
Thanks, Jim Magno
Submitted by James Magno on Tue, 2019-07-30 23:29