Disclaiming a 401K
My dad passed away nearly 8.5 months ago at age 78. Dad had a 401(k) managed by Vanguard with my mom (his spouse) as the sole primary beneficiary and me (his daughter) as the sole contingent beneficiary. Mom turned 83 this year and I turned 47. We live in California.
Mom is in a fortunate position of not needing the funds in dad’s 401(k), so we’ve been discussing the option of disclaiming so we can extend the period of tax free growth. When we broached this with Vanguard, they appeared to be discouraging us from doing so, stating that it’s up to employer to decide whether they approve my mom disclaiming the 401(k) and that the employer will need to determine who they think is the next in line beneficiary.
Can the employer associated with the 401(k) refuse to allow a spouse to disclaim the 401(k)?
If my dad previously specified that my mom is the sole primary beneficiary and I am the sole contingent beneficiary, can the employer associated with the 401(k) decide that someone else will become the beneficiary after my mom disclaims?
Does anyone know of a template for the document that my mom can fill in and have notarized to disclaim the 401(k)?
Once the 401(k) is disclaimed and I inherit it, do I use the Single Life Expectancy table in IRS publication 590B and my age next year (48) to determine that my life expectancy is 36.0 years, and so the 2020 RMD will need to be 1/36 of the 401(k) value on December 31, 2019?
If the above is accurate, then in 2021, do I subtract 1.0 from 36.0 to calculate the RMD as 1/35, and then continue subtracting 1.0 each year?
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2019-10-30 15:03
Permalink Submitted by Bruce Steiner on Wed, 2019-10-30 17:49
Permalink Submitted by Alice Severson on Wed, 2019-10-30 20:44
Thank you so, so much for all this information, Alan and Bruce. This is super helpful. And you’re absolutely correct that we should have started this effort long ago.
We’ve reached out to my dad’s prior employer to inquire whether their retirement plan allows my mom to disclaim. Their retirement team is working with their legal team and Vanguard to look into this option.
Assuming disclaiming is NOT an option, then my understanding is that my mom will have 3 options:
I’m trying to figure out (a) which Life Expectancy Table in IRS Publication 590B and (b) whose age would be used to compute RMDs moving forward for each of these 3 options. Is my understanding below correct?
Ignoring the Disclaim and Keep in Employer Plan options:
Thanks in advance for helping me with this.
Permalink Submitted by Bruce Steiner on Wed, 2019-10-30 21:27
The legal fees to draft the disclaimer won’t be very much, except that the short time frame may increase the cost somewhat. Disclaimers are common in estate administrations so any good trusts and estates lawyer will have done many of them. However, there will also be some time involved in responding to all of your questions. Presumably there was some time involved in the decision making process to this point.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2019-10-30 23:18
Permalink Submitted by Alice Severson on Thu, 2019-10-31 08:34
Thank you so much for the follow-up information. This is helping me tremendously.
Since neither mom nor I need the money from dad’s 401k any time soon, it seems like our best two options are:
Am I understanding this correctly? Thank you for educating me on all this. I am grateful for your help.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2019-10-31 15:36
Permalink Submitted by Alice Severson on Fri, 2019-11-01 08:19
Thank you for pointing me to that link.
Regarding the disclaim option:
Thank you so much for all your help.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2019-11-01 16:39
Disclaimers are addressed in Tax code Sec 2518. It states that the disclaimer must be received by the holder of title (ie the plan administrator) no later than 9 months following the date of death. Their decision does not have to be made within the 9 months, they just need to have received the disclaimer letter. Given the current time frame, it should be sent with a return receipt requested. If they prefer not to accept it, missing the 9 month deadline would make it too easy for them.
Permalink Submitted by Alice Severson on Sat, 2019-11-02 10:01
That makes sense, thank you for this explanation. Dad’s prior employer responded back that they will allow mom to disclaim:
It appears to me that the form provided by the employer meets the California requirements:
So we’re moving forward with the disclaimer:
Am I missing any steps? Super grateful for all your guidance, education, and time.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2019-11-02 20:59
I think you have it covered. You indicated that Dad was taking his RMDs, but since he passed so early this year, are you totally sure he completed his 2019 RMD before passing? 2018 and prior RMDs do not need to be checked. If you find that he did not complete the 2019 RMD, please advise because that raises RMD and disclaimer issues. If this was an IRA, it would be best to have Mom not complete the RMD and have you take it after the account was retitled with you as beneficiary. However, with a 401k the participant or beneficiary does not have full control over if and when an RMD is distributed, so it might not be possible to just postpone it. Hopefully, his 2019 RMD had been fully distributed by the DOD.
Permalink Submitted by Alice Severson on Sun, 2019-11-03 02:08
I (as dad’s agent / power of attorney, since he had Alzheimer’s) did NOT yet take out dad’s RMD from his 401K for 2019:
Thank you so much for bringing this up, Alan.