IRA Updates
In this month;s IRA Update by Sarah Brenner, JD, IRA Analyst, she states in item #3:
There are always questions that come up as to the correct way to handle the required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year of death of the IRA owner. Here are three things you need to know about the year of death RMD.
Example: Audrey, age 75, dies in 2019. The year of death RMD that must be taken from her IRA will be calculated using the factor that corresponds to age 75 on the Uniform Lifetime Table (22.9).
3. The beneficiary must take the year of death RMD. This is an area of great confusion! If the year of death RMD was not already taken by the IRA owner, it must be taken by the beneficiary. It is not paid to the IRA owner’s estate unless the estate is named as the beneficiary.
Example: Carl, age 85, dies in 2019 without taking his 2019 RMD. His son, Jaden, is his beneficiary. Jaden, as the beneficiary of Carl’s IRA, must take the 2019 RMD that Carl did not take prior to his death. The RMD should not be paid to Carl’s estate.
My question is: Is a spousal beneficiary treated just the same as a non-spousal beneficiary in this situation? i.e. A spousal beneficiary would complete the RMD for the deceased IRA owner and then the spousal beneficiary would start their own RMD in the year following the year of death if the spousal beneficiary did a spousal rollover?
Thank you for your help.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2019-11-04 22:38
Permalink Submitted by Robert Wright on Mon, 2019-11-04 22:58
As always.Thanks for your help.