Inherited IRA post secure act
T-IRA owner dies in 2020
Two beneficiaries – one is an eligible designated beneficiary and the other is a nonspouse beneficiary
The EDB can stretch based off their life expectancy whereas the non-NEDB is subject to the 10 year rule
Do the inherited account still need to be “split” by the end of the year following death? In order for each beneficiary to receive their own pay out timeframe
Do the inherited accounts still need to be “split on “by the end of the year following death? In order for each beneficiary to receive your own payout timeframe?
if splitting is required – what happens if the accounts are not split in a timely fashion?
Permalink Submitted by Tracy DeCrosta on Tue, 2020-02-25 21:09
My brother passed away at age 47, my mother (72 at his passing in 2006) was his beneficiary. Could she have established an inherited IRA? My brother would not have been 72 until 2031.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2020-02-26 01:23
She could have and should have. What has been done with this account, or has it been escheated to the state by now? If mother is able to submit his death certificate and other data and establish an inherited IRA, it will have to be immediately distributed to her under the 5 year rule, and then she would have to file a 5329 requesting waiver of the penalty for failing to distribute the account under RMD rules.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2020-02-26 01:12