Inherited IRA RMD Distributions for Beneficiary Spouse older than deceased IRA owner
IRA Owner died at 82, spouse is 88. Will spouse have to take RMD’s based on her age after the year of death of original owner? Can she stay an inherited beneificiary (not transfer to her IRA) and use deceased spouse’s age for taking RMD’s?
Thanks, Gary
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2020-03-06 21:11
She can remain as the beneficiary, but her RMDs will be considerably less if she elects to assume ownership of the IRA because she can then use the Uniform Table to calculate RMDs. The RMD for the year of death is the RMD amount of the decedent, but in the following year and thereafter she can use the Uniform Table with her age and the RMD will be lower than remaining as beneficiary.