2021 Inherited IRA Distribution
With the waiver of 2020 RMDs under the CARES Act, what are thoughts on the formula for calculating 2021 RMDs from an Inherited IRA using the Single Life Expectancy Table? For example, the 2020 RMD would be based on a Life Expectancy factor of 37.9 and 2021 would normally be 36.9 (one less than the prior year). Due to the waiver, is it fair to assume the 2021 RMD would still be 36.9? Thanks for any feedback.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Wed, 2020-05-06 11:42
Permalink Submitted by Chuck 2009x on Fri, 2020-05-08 13:33
Note that there is a proposal to revise the life expectancy tables beginning with 2021. It may happen, it may not. The principal for determining the divisor will probably be the same, the method you described (find the age the beneficiary attained in the first RMD year and subtract 1 for each successive year). But you may find that due to a change in the tables, it may not be 36.9. I suppose it’s even possible (but maybe unlikely) that in the situation where the beneficiary’s first RMD year would have been 2020, that the anchor for the divisor will be changed to age attained in 2021 instead of 2020. There are plenty of websites that will report on this if it changes, but here is a page that may help track it. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/11/08/2019-24065/updated-life-expectancy-and-distribution-period-tables-used-for-purposes-of-determining-minimum
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2020-05-08 15:58