Tax Free Insurance Withdrawls
My wife and I watched Ed Slott’s Tax Free Life Insurance presentation. We understand about using an IRA to pay for a tax free life insurance, but we don’t understand what type of life insurance is tax free for withdrawals from the policy, or or how it can multiply to many times the IRA investment to pay for it. Is it a special life insurance annuity, or such? We are stumped.
Thank you for any clarification.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2020-06-07 15:42
Permalink Submitted by Jed Stander on Wed, 2020-06-10 06:10
Alan, thank you soooo much for your reply, and referring us to the youtube information. That was precisely what we were looking for associated with the question that we posed to you. We’re too old for the product type to take advatage of it; nevertheless, it answered the question that we posed to you, and we sincerely appreciate your assistance!!!
Permalink Submitted by Brett Sause on Thu, 2023-05-25 12:06
We do this concept with our clients all the time.