Roth conversions over age 60
65 year old is looking to start converting some of their TIRA to RIRA annually. On conversions does the 5 yrs rule for qualified distributions apply to each conversion separately?
65 year old is looking to start converting some of their TIRA to RIRA annually. On conversions does the 5 yrs rule for qualified distributions apply to each conversion separately?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2020-10-15 18:33
After 59.5, there is no 5 year holding period for conversions with respect to the 10% penalty. The holding period for the Roth to be qualified and fully tax free starts with the year of the first contribution of any kind, so would not apply to conversions unless the first contribution of any kind happened to be a conversion.
Permalink Submitted by Don Warnke on Thu, 2020-10-15 19:21
So if he starts a Roth in 2020 and converts $20k and then in 2021 converts another $20k and in 2022 his account has grown to $44k, he can liquidate the entire account and will NOT have to pay tax on the $4k of gain?
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Thu, 2020-10-15 21:27