inherited IRA from estate to heirs
My father passed away at the age of 85 this past April 7th. He had been taking RMD;s. Unfortunately, he named his estate as the beneficiary of his IRA. Their are seven siblings who are heirs to the estate. My research has shown that the IRA needs to be re-titled as the Estate IRA, Deceased. Once that is done, according to Revenue Ruling 78-406, the IRA can be divided into seven equal IRA’s “for the benefit of: Sibling”. Also that neither of these events are considered a taxable event.
The attorney’s handling the estate seem to have no clue that this is possible despite my sharing a lot of documentation from many sources, such as Kiplinger, Investopedia, and Fidelity. They also seem to be pushing for a PLR. I know a PLR cannot be used as precedent, however, a revenue ruling can be. I think this is a money grab on the part of the attorneys.
The executors (my brother) have asked for the following questions to be answered. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
1. When an estate is the named beneficiary of the traditional IRA, the executors can transfer the entire balance of the account into separate accounts for the benefit of each of the estate beneficiaries;
2. This transfer is not a taxable event and that the entire balance will not be taxable in the year of transfer;
3. The beneficiaries can then stretch out the collection of their respective accounts for up to 10 years; and,
4. That neither the co-executors of the estate or Morgan Stanley can be held liable for any penalties or taxes due as a result of this lump sum division in the initial year, or in any subsequent years if the beneficiaries do not take out their required minimum distributions and pay their respective taxes, penalties and interest.
Thank you,
Bill Ferrell
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2020-10-23 20:16
Permalink Submitted by Bruce Steiner on Sat, 2020-10-24 14:01
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2020-10-24 17:30
If you choose to attempt to transfer the inherited IRA to another custodian, your chances of acceptance may be best with a custodian who holds the most assets collectively for the 7 beneficiaries. Large holdings may provide some leverage in this situation.
Permalink Submitted by Bill Ferrell on Mon, 2020-10-26 21:31
Thank you for your responses. The estate attorney handling the Will is insisting that we need a PLR. I think it is a monrey grab and/or their lack of knowlegde in this matter and an attempt to CYA! I wonder if it is possible to get a written legal opinion (willing to pay for this) that states this is allowed and not a taxable event.Any thoughts on where/how I can get this? The custodian representative at Morgan Stanley stated he asked the retirement services department if they would -“split the Inherited IRA into seven different inherited accounts FBO each beneficiary as established by the Will through thre probate process. The answer was, “No, we do not allow any attempt to bypass the estate. How can they be so ignorant?
Permalink Submitted by Bruce Steiner on Sun, 2020-11-15 17:54
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2020-10-26 22:09
Permalink Submitted by Bill Ferrell on Mon, 2020-10-26 22:25
I think the estate attorney is not well practiced in this area, to say the least. I am sure she would be very happy to do a PLR and she has commented on underestimating the attorney fees for doing so. I have seen enough proof that our scenario is one that is performed many times. I spoke with Sarah Brenner as ell and she stated the PLR was not a requirement. So from what you are telling me, collectively, is that Morgan Stanley just doesn’t want to do this cause it is a pain in the arse. That tells me I need to find a strong tax attorney who will light a fire under them to get them to perform. Or we need to take the IRA away and place it with a more user friendly custodian.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2020-10-27 00:56
Is the IRA large enough to be worth this battle? Will all the beneficiaries agree to finance the legal fees of a well respected tax or estates attorney? Unfortunately, despite a continued flow of stories like this, people are still leaving retirement plans to their estate. Actually, it’s even a worse experience if the plan is a qualified plan than if it’s an IRA, since a qualified plan left to an estate cannot be rolled over to an inherited IRA per IRS rules.
Permalink Submitted by Bill Ferrell on Tue, 2020-10-27 03:41
Alan,Would you be willing to talk off line on this. I would rather not put numbers on this thread.If so I can give you my email or phone number.Thanks, Bill
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2020-10-27 16:46
Sorry Bill, but I limit my involvement to comments made in this forum only. However, my question about the IRA balance does not need an answer, and I would not have any idea of what the legal fees might be. I do know that the more beneficiaries there are the less likely that all of them would be on the same page. Note that the most frequent scenario is resistance from the IRA custodian to assignment to individual inherited IRAs out of the estate, but you have a double issue here with the estate attorney as well. That makes it much tougher to accomplish what should have been fairly simple.