Sole member LLC with SEP-IRA and employee 401k plan for spouse S-Corp contribution limits
I have my own sole member LLC with a SEP-IRA (only me), but I am also an employee of my spouse’s S-corp that has a profit-sharing 401k plan. Can I maximize my annual SEP contributions as well as contribute to the S-Corp profit sharing 401k? FYI, I am NOT an owner, partner, etc. of my spouse’s S-corp, only an employee and both the LLC and S-Corp operate in completely different areas of service. I have attempted to look up the answer and it seems that I can, but we recently we informed by an ancillary service partner with our accounting firm that I cannot as the IRS sees both companies as the same since we are married. Any information/insight would be greatly appreciated.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Wed, 2020-12-30 06:24
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Wed, 2020-12-30 13:36
Because these two businesses are a controlled group through spousal attribution, they must be treated as a single company with respect to a retirement plan. Since a SEP plan has the same employer contribution limit as a the 401(k) plan, it would make sense that the plan covering both would be the 401(k) and the employer contribution with respect to your single-member LLC would be made to the 401(k) and must generally be in the same proportion to compensation (since the employer contribution is a profit-sharing contribution rather than a matching contribution). Additionally, by December 31 you could make election to make an employee deferral or Roth contribution for the year to the 401(k).