NUA when Company Stock was held in Unitized Fund Structure

I am a long term employee of a publicly traded company hand have appreciated company stock within my 401k. I wanted to take advantage of NUA but found out from the custodian that the stock was held in a unitized fund structure. Do you think I can still take advantage of NUA based on this structure?

You should ask the administrator to be sure, but the units can likely be converted to stock shares for distribution to a taxable brokerage account and you should receive a 1099R indicating the cost basis and NUA amounts. You will need to determine what your cost basis % is in order to know whether it is low enough to warrant use of NUA in the first place.  Of course, you also have to execute a qualified lump sum distribution for NUA purposes as well, having no distributions to you between your triggering event (59.5, separation from service) and the year you request the LSD.

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