RMD Factor
Client’s mother-in-law died with an IRA in November of 2017 (86yrs old). Client’s husband inherited the IRA and died in November of 2018 (62yrs old). Client has inherited the IRA and is taking RMDs.
1. Prior to the new tables, the RMD factor was 23.5 based on husband’s age of 62 in 2018 correct? This factor was then reduced by 1 for subsequent years.
2. The RMD factor is updated based on the new tables to 25.4 in 2018 and reduced by 1. Therefore the RMD factor for my client in 2022 is 21.4. In other words, the RMD is 12/31/21 balance divided by 21.4?
Thank you!
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2022-05-05 18:19
Yes, your figures are correct.