Co Mingle Trad IRA with Rollover
I have a 2 retirement acnts at Vanguard
1 is a Rollover from an employer the other is a Traditional IRA which was created because the Rollover was maxed out.
I have always kept them separate as I was told not to commingle the funds as I had paid taxes on the Trad IRA contributions going in.
I currently take RMD’s and they have always come from the Rollover IRA on the VG Brokerage platform.
VG is requesting I transition the Trad IRA into the Rollover because its on the old Mutual Fund Platform and if not I will insure a maint fee.
? is if I combine the two will it matter for tax purposes come RMD time as a % of it will be from funds already taxed while employed ?
Not sure if it matters a may just have to tax a tax hit ?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2022-09-12 14:37
Permalink Submitted by PAUL PILLION on Tue, 2022-09-13 12:25
Thanks for the input.Only forms I have on file are a 5486. Dont recall filing an 8606 either.Total valeue of the TIRA is less than 50thou so I supoose I should combine them,eliminate an acount and move on as it appears the agrivation tracking all this isnt worth the time.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2022-09-13 13:58
Permalink Submitted by PAUL PILLION on Tue, 2022-09-13 18:01
Those reurns are long gone. Most recent contribution was 2010 when I was working P Time. Others go back to 1996 while full time.No records as returns are history so I suppose I am SOL and should take the hit.Wont do that again…Woops.To late!!Thanks