Traditional 403B / 401K conversion to Roth IRA, withdrawal rules from Roth IRA
Age over 59.5. Have several Roth IRAs (lets call them all as #1) few were up to 20 years old (with Roth contributions added to them up to and including year 2021).
In 2021 converted a 2020 non deductible traditional IRA to a Roth IRA #2 (backdoor, paid tax on earnings of $1), that was the only traditional IRA I had.
In 2021 rolled over part of 403B to a Roth IRA #3 (paid tax on rolled over amount).
As I understand, can withdraw contributions, and earnings from previously held Roth IRAs #1. Due to age over 59.5, can withdraw converted and rolled over amounts from Roth IRAs #2, #3, with no penalty or tax at any time, but for earnings have to wait for 5 years to be free of penalty/tax free?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2022-10-04 02:35
Because your Roth IRA is qualified, all amounts rolled into your Roth become immediately part of your qualified Roth IRA. The entire balance is available anytime, tax and penalty free. There are no more waiting periods.