IRA RMDs New Jersey with multiple IRAs

Hi there, I am going to be turning 72 next year and had a question about how my NJ state taxes will work for the RMDs from my IRA accounts. I have 2 IRAs: one from a 401(k) rollover that I made tax-deductible(Both Federal and State) contributions to and one from a 403(b) rollover which I made contributions to and did not get a State tax deduction. My question is, I know at a federal level I can aggregate my RMD requirements and take them from one IRA account. My question is: will I be able to avoid NJ State taxes on my RMDs if I pull the aggregate RMD requirement only from the 403(b) that where my contributions were previously taxed at the state level?

No. While you can take your RMD from the two IRA accounts in any proportion, the taxable portion of the distribution on your state form will be calculated using a NJ tax worksheet that treats the two IRA accounts as a single combined account. The taxable amount will be pro rated as a portion of the total value in both IRA accounts. You only get taxed one time on each dollar in the IRA that has not been previously taxed.

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