72T Question


I have a client who is 58 this year and the spouse is 49 this year and the client is looking to start a $1.5 SEPP the start annual this month using a 5.17% interest rate. On the paperwork they elected to use the joint life table and our custodian is allowing them. I thought the age difference has to be 10 years or more the use the joint life table. I just wanted to get a second opinion on this.


Thank you.

The 10 year difference is for RMDs. The joint life table can be used with the correct ages for calculating a 72t. With a 9 year age difference the calculation will be very close to that of the Uniform Table which is built on a 10 year difference.

That said, these tables apply to all calculation methods, both the RMD method and the fixed dollar methods.

Next issue is the interest rate. 5.17% is higher than the rate for Dec or January. The Feb rate cannot be used unless the first distribution is delayed until March.

Too bad that a 72t plan must be started this close to age 59.5 since the rigid requirements will last for 5 years from the date of the first distribution.

Client may want to look at just taking whatever amount is needed for the year and paying the 10% penalty instead of committing to a 72t plan that must last at least 5 years.

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