Will the spouse pay tax on an inherited Roth IRA distribution?
I have a female client that rolled $46,546.91 from her ROTH 401(k) to a ROTH account on 1/19/2017. Then she did ROTH conversions of $220,000 on 12/17/20 and another ROTH conversion of $149,439.60 on 12/21/21. This client passed away on 1/30/22 at the age of 64.
Her husband, age 66 was the sole beneficiary on the account. He decided to roll the assets into his own Roth IRA. His Roth was opened in July 2022 and her assets were rolled into the account in July as well. He also did a ROTH conversion of $200,872.00 on 7/29/22.
He would like to take a $200k distribution. How will the distribution be treated as far as tax and penalties?
The total ROTH IRA account balance right now is: $589,146.71, so if he did take a distribution now it would be at a loss.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2022-11-01 18:02
Permalink Submitted by Amanda Minter on Tue, 2022-11-01 21:14
if the Roth IRA is qualified based on her initial rollover in 2017 and he is older than 59.5, why would the $200k distribution be taxable? All this money is in one ROTH IRA account at this time and her rollover is more than the $200k?
Permalink Submitted by Amanda Minter on Tue, 2022-11-01 21:36
We just needed to read your response a few times. we understand. Thank you.