GPO Offset

Have a divorcee who receives 45% of her ex-husband’s Navy Pension as part of a QDRO. Will the GPO rules reduce her social security benefit which is based upon her own earnings history?

Social Security’s Publication No. 05-100007 dated May 2019, provides some clarity on the matter. On page 1, under the “When won’t my Social Security benefits be reduced?” section, “Receive a government pension that’s not based on your earnings” is a bullet point. In short, GPO is only relevant to the public worker’s record. If she plans to apply for spousal benefits under his SS record, attention to WEP rules is critical.

I am divorced, and have a QDRO that split my exhusbands CSRS pension, I receive monthy payments and report on my taxes.Will this affect my amount when I apply for social security under my own name? If I understand this correctly The WEP rules would only apply to my Ex if he tried to collect under my social security. 

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