IRA Transfer under a Divorce Decree

I have a client who is now legally divorced and under the divorce decree his ex-spouse is entitled to $200,000 from his Traditional IRA. For this to be a non-taxable transaction for the ex-spouse who is receiving the proceeds, do the funds have to be directly transferred by my custodian (who holds my client’s IRA), to her custodian, or can my custodian issue a check directly to her, and she can then turn around and deposit the funds into her Traditional IRA using the 60 day rollover rule.

  • This is *not* permitted to be done by distribution and 60-day rollover.  It must be done by non-reportable trustee-to-trustee transfer.  The payment from the original IRA must be made to Financial Institution FBO the IRA of the ex-spouse, not to the ex-spouse.
  • If the client instead has a distribution paid to the ex-spouse, the client is stuck with the tax consequences and the ex-spouse cannot put the $200,000 into an IRA.

  • This must be done by direct trustee transfer only. A distribution check cannot be rolled over to her IRA and would be taxable to client and subject to the 10% penalty if under age 59.5. If client already received a distribution check, hopefully he has a rollover available, and if so he could roll it back to his own IRA, then begin the transfer  process. A certified copy of the divorce decree must be provided to client’s custodian and a form completed similar to the following Fidelity form. Ex must have or open her own IRA to receive the transfer. More detail provided in the following:
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