SECURE 2.0 and public safety officers

I received an e-mail from the peanut gallery asserting that SECURE 2.0 now “waives the 10% for all police officers on any qualified account, including traditional and Roth IRAs.”

That is not my understanding. As far as public safety officers, SECURE 2.0 did basically things things for public safety officers, but all from a PLAN-based perspective, with nothing new for IRAs:

1.) Expanded the definition of “public safety officer” to include some state and local gov’t employees (e.g., corrections and forensics), and private sector firefighters
2.) Allows penalty-free distributions for plan participants with at least 25 years of service (even if they are under age 50); and
3.) Allows the $3,000 health insurance distribution to be paid directly to participant and still be excluded from income

Did I miss anything? Thx.

No, the waivers are subject to the age of service requirements, and the 25 years of service must be under the current plan, but not necessarily the same employer since a statewide plan could include several employers in the state. These PSO waivers do not apply to IRAs. 

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