RE: Required Minimum Withdrawal Obligation

Scenario: I am age 78 and my total RMD’s for 2023 is $10,000. I have traditional IRAS and one annuity also within a taxable IRA. If I withdraw an excess of $1,000 over the computed minimum RMD for the annuity, can that excess $1,000 go toward my total $10,000 minimum RMD or are they considered two different minimum RMD buckets and must be withdrawn as two separate calculations? Thank you.

As long as the annuity has not been annuitized you can satisfy the 10,000 RMD in any combination of IRA annuity or other IRA distributions. These accounts are not considered separate buckets for RMD purposes until the year after the IRA annuity has been annuitized. Note that commonly used VA GLWB income benefits paid to you are not treated as annnuitized distributions. Most IRA annuities are not actually annuitized.

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