Convert traditional IRA to Roth IRA by April 15?

Do I have until April 15 To convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA?

I understand that I can wait until I file my taxes (April 15,2023) to make a contribution for 2022 to an IRA. Does the same holds true if I wish to convert my current traditional IRA into a Roth IRA?

Conversions are taxable in the year they are completed. Unlike a regular contribution there is no way to convert for a prior year. You can make your 2022 contribution up to 4/18/2023 and convert it anytime, but the conversion will not be reported for 2022.

Can one make a nondeductible TIRA contribution now for 2022 and Roth convert it before 4/15/23 and repeat this for 2023, also before 4/15/23?

Is this a Backdoor Roth???  Why not make the contribution directly to the Roth?

Yes. Or the two contributions can be made at the same time, and the total converted the next day in a single conversion. If there is any other TIRA balance at the end of 2023, the conversion will be partially taxable.

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