Spousal IRA RMD Year Following Death

Wife passed away in December 2022 at age 90 and already completed her 2022 RMD before her death. Husband, currently age 89, did a spousal rollover in January 2023 and is now planning to satisfy his 2023 RMD. Wife’s account was still in her IRA as of 12/31 but it is my understanding that we still need to include wife’s 12/31 value + husbands 12/31 value when calculating husband’s 2023 RMD even though the funds were not yet in his account at the time. Is this correct?

 Submitted by Alan-iracritic@… on Fri, 2021-12-03 12:14

  • No. If the survivor assumes ownership at any time in 2022, he is treated as owning the former inherited IRA the entire year of 2022. The inherited IRA balance on 12/31/2021 would be used to calculate the RMD for 2022 using the Uniform Table and survivor’s attained age in 2022.
  • If after assuming ownership, he transferred the new owned IRA into another IRA he already owns, the RMD for 2022 would be based on the total of the 12/31/2021 balance of both the already owned IRA and the balance of the former inherited IRA on 12/31/2021.

Yes, the above applies here. Balance of wife’s IRA on 12/31/2022 must be added to any value in an IRA the husband has owned all along to determine husband’s 2023 RMD.

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