Inherited Non-qualified Annuity Lump Sum Distribution error

Not sure if anyone knows the answer to this on this forum but thought I would ask. My wife received an inherited non-qualified annuity due to the passing of her father. We elected to take a lump sum distribution but in doing our taxes have realized the reportable gain pushed us into having to pay the net investment tax (3.8%).

Is there a way at this point to change our election and return a portion or make some other election to spread out the distribution on our taxes? I know originally we had that option (5 years, etc.). I assume were sunk and just have to pay the extra tax at this point. We had checked that it would not impact our tax bracket but missed that it would hit us on the investment tax.


Once it was distributed there is no way to offset the 1099R income. A 1035 exchange must be done between insurance companies directly prior to any distribution.

That is what I figured but appreicate you confirming.

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