Direct Rollover Question


I am working with a client to process a direct rollover from his 401(k) to his IRA. The client received the rollover check in early February, and I have tried multiple times to get him to mail the check to Schwab, but he has been non-responsive. I wanted to double check that he is not subject to the 60-day rollover rules since the check is made payable to the custodian FBO client. I didn’t think the rule applied since the check is not made out to him individually, but thought I’d ask the question since we’re coming up on the 60-day mark. Thanks!

You are correct. The 60 day time limit does not apply, but the check may only be good for a specified period. Nothing good can come from his inaction. And of course, these funds are earning interest for the issuer, not the client. Perhaps client is spooked by the banking crisis as Schwab sold off quite a bit a couple weeks ago.

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