Profit Sharing Contribution for Single-Member LLC
New client for me – He filed a return and claimed an adjustment to income for a $27K contribution to a solo 401K. His Schedule C net income (single-member LLC) is $240,283. From my reading, he can make a profit-sharing contribution of 20% of his Schedule C net, or $48,056. Can he make an additional $21K contribution for 2022 and I amend the return since we have not reached April 15th?
Also, in this context is it important for an owner to call a portion of the contribution an “elective deferral”, or since they are a single-member LLC, can the whole contribution be profit-sharing? I “think” elective deferral is important when you have an employee making contributions and the employer is matching, but in this case it is just the owner and no employees.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Wed, 2023-03-29 06:32
Permalink Submitted by John Going on Wed, 2023-03-29 15:01
Thank you for the detailed response, Spiritrider. In the 5th bullet point you note:
The client will ask me what this means. My interpretation of your comment is that the client needed to have either taken the deferral by 12/31 or submitted a written election noting the amount of elective deferral that would be taken by the due date. Is my understanding correct?
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Wed, 2023-03-29 20:54
An employee deferral election is required by 12/31, regardless of whether the actual deferral is before or after this date.