IRMAA/Social Security/Medicare

If a person is on Medicare and pays an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) surcharge, and they were not subject to IRMAA, how can they get that money back. In 2022 I was not even close to the IRMAA threshold, yet IRMAA surcharges were deducted from my monthly social security payments. We had to make payments for medicare directly for my wife, which included IRMAA adjustments, because she has deferred collecting social security. I called medicare and they confirmed that in 2022 my wife and I both made IRMAA payments and MC told me to contact social security about getting a refund. I spoke with a representative from my local social security office and he told me the payments, although not required to have been paid, are non-refundable. Perhaps this question is outside of your scope but as a long-time subscriber to your newsletter, there are many times you have touched on the subjects of medicare, social security and IRMAA>
Thank you.

An incorrectly assessed IRMAA premium can be appealed within 3 years. Call SSA again and hope you get a qualified rep this time. They will send you a form to appeal, but tell them that the appeal is not related to a life changing event, which may require a different form from the life changing event form. 

  • Your 2022 IRMAA is normally based on your 2020 AGI and your 2023 IRMAA is normally based on your 2021 AGI.  To have the IRMAA based on a different amount you would likely have to claim a life-changing event.
  • Overpayments for Medicare are normally applied to future Medicare Part B premiums, so if you are able to convince Medicare that you have overpaid, you will probably get a credit rather than a refund.

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