SEP IRA to IRA Transfer

I have a client that did one year of consulting work (tax year 2022). She opened up a SEP IRA on 9/26/2023 this year to make a large 2022 SEP IRA contribution (she lives in a county in CA that had the disaster declaration that extended the 2022 deadline to 10/16/2023). She will not be doing any consulting work for tax years 2023 and beyond as she is retired at this point. Can the entire balance in her SEP IRA be moved to her IRA now and the SEP closed? Or is it advisable to let the SEP IRA age for a tax year or two before consolidating it into her IRA and closing the SEP?

If there is any chance that she made an excess SEP contribution it will be easier to correct it if the SEP IRA is still in place. Otherwise, no reason to wait.

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