Decedent age 90 dies in 2023 with Estate Listed as Beneficiary. No RMD taken in 2023, Can Estate Distribute IRA to Bene’s?
A single 91 year old passes away without taking his 2023 traditional IRA RMD. His Estate is listed as the beneficiary of his IRA.
Decedent has a will that lists beneficiaries with the following gifts – pecuniary gifts, specified gifts of real estate and investment accounts and a non-spouse residuary beneficiary for the estate remainder after taxes, admin etc.
If cash is not available to pay the listed pecuniary gifts, can these gifts be satisfied with a distribution of a separate inherited IRA in lieu of the cash pecuniary gifts?
Who is responsible for taking and reporting the 2023 RMD? Does this RMD get reported on 2023 decedent 1041? or a 2023 Beneficiary 1040?
Must the entire IRA be distributed to the Estate at death and incur a major tax liability? Or is there a tax planning opportunity for IRA distributions to the Beneficiaries? e.g.
Can the IRA be distributed annually to the beneficiaries based on the decedents single life expectancy factor from the table for the decedents age in the year of death since the decedent already started RMDs before death?
Single life expectancy age 91 = 5.3
A 706 for the estate is not required due to exemption limit.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2023-11-21 16:12
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Tue, 2023-11-21 18:36