Limit on direct IRA transfers in one calendar year

I made 2 direct transfers this year and am not sure if this is allowed.

Transfer 1: Source was a variable annuity funded initially from an IRA. I transferred all of the funds to a IRA rollover account directly.

Transfer 2: Source was a IRA at one institution. I transferred shares in a mutual fund within the IRA to a different institution directly.

Question: Does this run afoul of the rule that only 1 IRA transfer can be done within a calendar year? Technically I do not know if the variable annuity is considered an IRA even if initially funded by an IRA.

Question: If so, will I be able to reverse the second transfer if done within the same calendar year?

The IRA rules are so complex….


In transfer 2, it was from one IRA to another IRA at a different institution. I wasnt clear in hte first post.

After reading the IRS rules, I may have been too loose with the wording.Since I did not get any checks, I believe I did not do a rollover, I did two trustee-to-trustee IRA transfers and therefore do not fall under the IRA one-rollover-per year rule.  Is that correct?

Correct.  You should not receive any Forms 1099-R or 5498 that report these transactions.

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