Mom Dies, Son Inherits, Now Son Dies…
What factor do I use? We may have selected the wrong factor in the past.
IRA Owner dies (Mom) in 2007 at age 85.
Son, gets the IRA and continues RMD’s until he passes in 2019 at age 71. (Pre Secure Acts)
Son’s Wife inherits the account in 2019. We used wife’s age as the factor in 2019 to 2022 due to old rules. She is 72 in 2023.
Is this correct?
I have read thru many pages of this forum, and have not come up with this fact pattern, and or an example in the IRS Publications.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sun, 2023-12-10 17:43
Permalink Submitted by Richard Graves on Sun, 2023-12-10 17:56
Alan, Thank you for the prompt response!And the clear descriptions of what the correct factor and table to use. We will correct it going forward. I will review the prior year amounts to she if she did not take enough RMD. (She did take extra, just going to make sure..)