Beneficiary Roth IRA RMD Rules
Am I understanding the Inherited Roth RMD rules correctly that if the owner of the inherited Roth is an EDB they must take annual RMDs for their lifetime but if they are not an EDB they are not subject to annual RMDs from the inherited Roth but would be subject to the 10 year window? If they are an EDB, the table depends on if they are a spouse or not?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2024-01-04 22:50
Permalink Submitted by jmemeier on Thu, 2024-01-04 23:23
Thank you. If a spouse beneficiary of an IRA elects to assume ownership, then they would not be subject to RMDs during their lifetime, correct? I’ve not considered the option of a spouse opting out of LE payments for a Roth so thank you for bringing that up. Under what circumstances might there be an advantage for a spouse to opet out of LE payments in favor of the 10 year rule?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2024-01-05 01:44