QCDs with Inherited IRAs


I have a client, lets call him John. John is currently 59 years old. Back in 2021, John’s mom, lets call her Martha, died at her age 80. John was a partial beneficiary of Martha’s Traditional IRA. Martha was taking RMDs during that IRA while she was still alive. John now has a beneficiary IRA Martha (deceased) with this money he inherited from Martha’s IRA. I recently attended a webinar that said QCDs can be done from inherited IRAs if the original owner (in this case Martha) was over 70.5 and taking RMDs at her time of death even though the beneficiary (in this case John) is not yet 70.5 years old. Is this correct? So John could give $5,000 to charity from his inherited IRA this year and it would be excluded from income on his tax return even though he is well below age 70.5?

Not correct, be aware of webinar and some internet content. An IRA beneficiary can do QCDs, but not until they reach 70.5 to the day. Obviously, you suspected that this info was incorrect.

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