Form 8606
Question for you. H&R Block tax program won’t let me e-file if I need an 8606 for an inherited IRA with a basis. I don’t own any traditional IRAs with basis so I would only need to file one form 8606. The basis is $3,000. on an account value of $140,000. Doing the calculations on the form reduces my taxable income by only $130. I am wondering if there is any reason, now or in the future (it’s a stretch IRA), to continue claiming the basis or just claim all RMDs as fully taxable. The tax savings is so small after paying the cost to mail the paper return certified, return receipt to the IRS. Am I missing something ? I’m thinking the IRS would be happy if I claim more taxable income as long as I take the RMD. Any thoughts?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2024-02-19 17:28
If you don’t report the basis the IRS will not care. You won’t hear from them.
Permalink Submitted by Patricia Giroux on Mon, 2024-02-19 18:26