Can QCD Cover Prior Year RMD?


Background: We have a client who just reached RMD age (turned 73 in 2024) and prefers that his future RMDs never hit his tax return – he intends to satisfy them all with QCDs.  However, this year (2024) the client mistakenly believed he could aggregate his INH IRA RMDs which he has been taking for a few years with his traditional IRA RMDs which he must begin this year and performed a QCD from his INH IRA, using up the majority of the allowable 2024 QCD budget of $105,000.

He now has a year 73/2024 RMD which he must satisfy by April 15, 2025.  Next year he will also have his age 74/2025 RMD which he must have out by December 31, 2025.  After using up the remainder of the 2024 allowable QCD budget to satisfy as much of the 2024 RMD as possible, my question is can we use a QCD in the early part of 2025 to satisfy the remaining 2024 RMD?  Then followed by another QCD in the later part of 2025 to satisfy as much of the 2025 RMD as possible?  I am particularly curious if a 2025 QCD can satisfy a 2024 RMD.  If so, it appears this is definitely only possible with a client’s first year RMD.

If someone could point me to any official documentation on this I’d appreciate it as well.



A 2025 QCD can be done with any distribution in 2025 whether it is for the remainder of the 2024 RMD, the 2025 RMD, or the inherited IRA RMD. The QCD limit applies to all QCDs executed in a calendar year regardless of the reason for the distribution, but of course are more effective when applied to RMDs.

Thank you – and to be clear this would satisfy the 2024 RMD?  No excise tax for missed RMD, etc.?

Correct. All distributions will be reported on a 2025 1099 R and the 1099R and QCDs on the 2025 return with no notation of the year the RMD is for.  Note that the 2024 RMD must be complete by 4/1/2025, not 4/15.

Got it, perfect – thank you!

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