IRA and conversion to ROTH IRA

I have roll over IRA account and taking RMD. For 2024 can I CONVERT some to ROTH before taking full RMD for 2024? If i take existing stock as RMD and if value drops within 60 days if i want to transfer back stock with new lower value how it will be reported?

The full RMD for a year must be taken before a Roth conversion of any amount can occur.

You cannot undo a Roth conversion. This is called a Roth recharacterization. The ability to undo a Roth conversion via recharacterization was eliminated starting in 2018 with the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. The strategy you’re inquiring about is no longer allowed.

If you want to undo a regular IRA distribution that’s not a Roth conversion, meaning a distribution for an RMD or otherwise, under the provision for a 60-day rollover, it must be done in cash, not by contributing shares.

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