IRA owner died prior to satisfying their current year RMD
Looking for clarification.
If a client dies before satisfying their current year RMD, the beneficiaries will have to satisfy the IRA owners RMD by 12/31 of the year of death.
I just read and not sure if this is law, do the beneficiaries now have until 12/31 of the year after death to satisfy the decedent’s RMD?
Dad died 2/2025 and still needed to satisfy $20,000 RMD for 2025
son inherits IRA
Does the son now have until 12/31/2026 to satisfy the $20,000 his dad needed to satisfy for 2025?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2025-02-24 16:28
Yes, the deadline has been extended to 12/31 of the year following the year owner passed. Therefore, son has until the end of 2026, and that gives the son a choice of whether to complete that RMD in 2025 or 2026. Beneficiary RMDs if Dad passed after RBD will have to start in 2026, so if son does not take the year of death RMD in 2025, he will have two RMDs due in 2026, the year of death RMD and his own beneficiary RMD for 2026.