New Inherited IRA rules

Clients who inherited an IRA after 01/01/2020 have been exempt from RMDs until 2025. I want to use the appropriate factor. Let’s start by assuming the CARES act never changed the rules. A client inherits and IRA in 2020. The client is mandated to take their first RMD by 12/31/2021. Let’s assume they were 50 years old on 12/31/2021. Table 1 has a factor of 36.2. Every year we reduce the factor by 1, so 2025 it would be 32.2. We would take the 12/31/2024 value of the Inherited IRA divided by 32.2

Now, let’s assume the same facts with the current rules. Would this client have a factor of 32.2, or would I go to Table 1  and use the factor for a 54-year-old since this is the first year they must take a distribution? In other words, would I start with how old they were in 2021 and reduce it by 1 each year or use the factor for age 54 because this is the first year they are mandated to take an RMD?

The former. The correct 2025 beneficiary RMD divisor is 32.2. That said, because the inherited IRA must be drained in 2030 and if client has already avoided RMDs for 4 years and wants to avoid a large taxable distribution in 2030, they should voluntarily distribute much more than the RMD. If they wanted to equalize distributions over the remaining 6 years, they would take out 1/6 of the balance in 2025, 1/5 in 2026, etc.

We track all our RMDs in our portfolio mgmt system where the custodian values all flow there. When the decedent took RMDs before passing away, it calculates the number correctly, as discussed above. However, if the decedent wasn’t RMD age, it’s using a factor of how many years left until all RMDs must be distributed. For example, if someone died at age 60 in 2020, it’s computing a factor of 6 because all money has to be out in 6 tax years. While that’s true, wouldn’t we calculate the RMD similarly? In my example, the money has to be out by 2030. If they have $ 600,000 on 12/31/24, is $ 100,000 or 1/6 the minimum, or would it be calculated based on Table 1?

Didn’t IRS Announcement 2025-2 waive inherited IRA RMDs for 2025, pushing the start date to 1/1/2026?

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