Second-Gen Inherited IRA, first bene was EDB

Hi.  Client A passed away in 2022, left his IRA to Client B, not his spouse, who was only six years younger, making her an EDB.

Client B passes away in 2024, leaving the IRA to Client C.

If I am correct, Client C has to “step into the shoes” of Client B’s RMD schedule, using her lifetime divisor…but the question is, since Client B was not required to draw down the account within 10 years, does Client C now have until 2034 to draw down the account?  Or do the two years that passed under Client B’s ownership count?


Thank you!!!

Holly Valinotti

Merrill Lynch

C has until 2034, as the 10 year rule started in 2024. And the RMD schedule of B must continue as well with divisor reduced by 1.0 each year.

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