sister not more than 10yrs younger

our client’s sister passed away and our client was not more than ten years younger than her sister. I keep plugging in the info w/in the RMD calculators and it always comes back that our client would reduce her factor by 1 each year. It was my understanding that our client would be exempt from the 10yr rule. Am I wrong?

IRA Owner DOB: 2/19/1978
IRA Owner DOD: 11/22/2022
Beneficiary DOB: 7/1/1967

Can you confirm so we can make sure we are using the correct table.


Client is an EDB and not subject to the 10 year rule. But she still must reduce her 2023 divisor by 1.0 for each year thereafter and must take annual beneficiary RMDs.

Client was 56 in 2023 and her 2023 divisor is 30.6, 2024 divisor 29.6, etc.

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