Solo Roth 401K

I make gross 24K from SE, and I have expenses of 2K, the my net earnings would be 22K correct?

Let’s say SE tax is 15.30%.

Then it would be my net earnings (22K) X SE TAX  15.30%=$3366      3366/2= 1683

Then it would be 22K – 1683= 20,317

The $20,317 is the most I can contribute to my Roth 401K plan?

Thanks for all your help!


Correct as to the max Roth 4o1k contribution.

Further, you can also max out your Roth IRA, using the same net earnings you used for the Roth 401k contribution – as long as your MAGI for a Roth IRA contribution is not over that limit.

Thanks so much!



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