To alan–iracritic

•   Alan, for at least 12 years now I’ve followed and learned from your so very helpful replies to the  questions and problems of thousands of posters.  It looks like in the past 20-plus years you have handled almost all of the now over 73,000 posts, a herculean task and one marked by your remarkable knowledge and thoughtful counsel.

•   Thank you so much, merci beaucoup, muchas gracias, grazie mille, obrigado, manga tak, domo arigato, etc.

•   I hope you are on a vacation or, if ill, my best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

•   With my deep appreciation and respect that I’m certain are shared by so many others.

here – here.

Danke Schoen.

Another thank you from me !!

Did Alan leave the Slott team?

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