Withdrawal from 403(b) to pay for school

I understand that you can withdraw from an IRA to pay for school expenses without incurring the 10% penalty, but you cannot do that for a 403(b). Can you do a 403b to IRA rollover once the job ends, and then withdraw from the rollover IRA penalty free to pay for school expenses? Is there any time that it has to be in the rollover IRA to do that? I understand that one has to pay tax on the wihtdrawal as regular income, but since income while attending school will be low, the tax rate will also be low. I also understand that it counts as income for determining the next year eligibility for aid. Thanks

As long as the distribution comes from an IRA it will be eligible for the penalty waiver if the payment is for qualified expenses paid during the same year. The penalty waiver must be claimed by filing Form 5329 showing exception code 08.

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