IRA Q&A With Ed Slott: How Do I Get Back My 2020 RMD?

Contributing Articles

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Q: Early last year I took my 2020 required minimum distribution (RMD) from my IRA, but later in the year the tax law waived RMDs, so I returned the funds.By doing this, I thought this was all taken care of, meaning that I thought I was “zeroed” out with no tax due.

But now it's tax time, and I have two issues I'd like help on.

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Did the SECURE Act Kill the Stretch IRA?

Contributing Articles

Thursday, February 27, 2020

What the new rules say about paying taxes on inherited funds

Starting this month, IRA expert Ed Slott is taking your questions about Individual Retirement Accounts.He starts by addressing what to do about new rules in the 2020 SECURE Act that  affect most beneficiaries who inherit tax-deferred funds starting this year.

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Countdown to Retirement: 1 Year

News & Press

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Make a direct transfer from the institution holding one account to the company where the money is going, says IRA expert Ed Slott.Ask the firm on the receiving end for help; any checks should not be made out directly to you

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