83% of Teenagers Are Already Thinking about Retirement — But Many Make This One Mistake

News & Press

Monday, April 22, 2024

When it comes to teens and money, there is often a disconnect.

Overall, teenagers are taking a greater interest in their long-term financial health — although far fewer understand basic retirement planning.

A majority, or 83%, of 13- to 18-year-olds, said they had already thought about their retirement, according to the results of a survey from Junior Achievement and MissionSquare.

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Roth IRA ‘Five-Year Rule’ Can Trigger an Unexpected Tax Bill: Here’s What You Need to Know

News & Press

Monday, February 06, 2023

A $1 contribution today to a new Roth individual retirement account may not sound like much.But that seemingly small sum might save you a bundle in taxes down the road due to an under-the-radar timing requirement.

Your initial Roth IRA contribution starts the clock on something called the “five-year rule,″ said Ed Slott, a certified public accountant and IRA expert based in Rockville Centre, New York

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